Why Meditate Like a Zen Monk?

Why Meditate Like a Zen Monk?

As the Omega Mind Program reaches many more people, we frequently get questions about “deep meditation.”  Does this program help me meditate deeply?  Other programs or software claim I’ll get to instant Zen states or have Monk-like meditation.  Will...

Omega Mind Program Now Available

The Omega Mind Program is now available and replaces our earlier program. We have outstanding feedback from people at various levels and find the results are amazing so far.  We’ve seen some people spontaneously realizing the program’s effect after a week...

Binaural Beats Treatment for Anxiety

The study referenced below shows that a small number of weekly audio sessions using theta / delta binaural beat frequencies appears to have benefits in anxiety treatment. Almost all self-improvement programs that utilize binaural beats and other entrainment techniques...