Zen Training Reduces Distraction Effects

In the study by Emory School of Medicine, Zen Meditation training and practice was shown to reduce the recovery time after distractions.  Simple tests showed that Zen meditators more quickly return to focusing on a word task when particular distractions were created. ...
Why Meditate Like a Zen Monk?

Why Meditate Like a Zen Monk?

As the Omega Mind Program reaches many more people, we frequently get questions about “deep meditation.”  Does this program help me meditate deeply?  Other programs or software claim I’ll get to instant Zen states or have Monk-like meditation.  Will...

Mindfulness Meditation Changes Brain And Immune Function

This small study shows that sustained changes in the brain and immune  function occur after mindfulness meditation training and practice during the study. Sustained increases in the left frontal region of the brain were detected, on a sustained basis, in the control...

Effects of Zen Meditation on the Brain

This novel study reviews the brains activity during and subsequent to zen meditation practices.  In particular, they are identifying the effects of Zen meditation, a very simple posture and breath meditation practice, on activation and inhibition reactions in various...

Meditation Can Lower Blood Pressure

In this study below, it was found that meditation, or more specifically transcendental meditation, can lower blood pressure. Combined with other practices, including breathwork and guided relaxation, which are also shown to lower blood pressure, we believe there is a...